Testosterone, Fat Loss & the Paleo Diet!
by Trey
(New Jersey)

Low T, Low drive, Losing weight and Training hard!First thanks for such an informative web site. Lots of great information and a lot less BS!
I am 48 years old. A former college and professional athlete who recently (3 months ago) began a routine to get my physical, spiritual psychological act back together.
Having lost 20+ pounds I have seen considerable transformation in my body which tells me the fat loss has been even more as I am developing more
muscle. I do not want to undertake any medical procedure (testosterone pellets or whatever) in order to correct this situation.
My drive and desire are still very high however my erections and ability to stay hard have taken a serious nose dive even causing me
Erectile Dysfunction issues during "those times" (which has never happened before).
Frankly, this is demoralizing to me and bothering the living s*** out of me!
After considerable research on my end I have decided to try the
Ball Zinger Penis Ring and just received 6 of the
Herbal Testosterone Boosters you recommended I cycle.
My question is this:I am not only looking to increase my drive and ability to function well but equally to continue to drop some pounds and gain definition, strength and stamina.
Will the products get me to where I want to go or should I consider others as well or in substitution, etc.?
Testosterone, Fat Loss & the Paleo Diet!Hello Trey,
Sounds like you've got everything you need to get your body into prime shape.
Testosterone Boosters you have coming will definitely help, as nothing on planet earth packs on the muscle like T.
If you start your cycle, continue to workout, and the fat doesn't melt away, then you need to look at your diet.
Excessive refined carbohydrate consumption causes weight gain and water retention, due to elevated insulin, and blood sugar levels.
Remember, it's the carbs, the breads, cereals, sodas, pasta, cakes, cookies, that put that spare tire around your waste.
This stuff not only makes you fat, it makes you old, ugly, and stupid in my opinion.
I follow a
Paleo Diet. A diet that's picking up steam in a big way.
In the last week the Washington Post, and the New York Times have both run stories on paleo eating.
I'm still stunned about this.
I've been paleo for over a decade, and in the early days, no one was talking about it.
Now, cross-fit trainers, and the natural bodybuilding movement have seen the light, and the word is spreading fast.
Because this is the diet man was designed to eat.
And it works!
Try it for a month, and I guarantee you, you'll transform your body into something you can be proud of.
Keep in touch, and let us know how it goes!
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