Benefits & Side Effects
There are two ways of performing Prostate Massage: external and internal.
Most men are drawn to the external method, as they are afraid of experimenting with anal play.
The prostate can be externally accessed through the perineum, the area between the testicles and the anus.
Gently massaging this area can be very pleasurable.
However, other than sheer enjoyment, there's not much of a point to external prostate massage.
Generally, it will not lead to a prostate orgasm, so you will not experience all of the sexual and medical benefits normally associated with prostate massage.
To help treat medical conditions such as an enlarged prostate, or to cure certain sexual dysfunctions, you'll need to experience a prostate orgasm, which leads to the release of seminal fluid through the penis.
This can only be achieved through internal prostate massage. A lot of straight men in North America mistakenly believe that anal penetration is only for gay people and is only to be tolerated in medical settings by a doctor when it's absolutely necessary.
Anything involving the anus is considered embarrassing, crude, dirty, or “unmanly”.
But I assure you – if every man could experience the power and intensity of a full-blown prostate orgasm just once, they would change their perception around pretty fast!
Internal prostate massage is quite easy for anyone to learn. It's probably easier with the aid of a partner, but totally possible without one as well.
You can use your fingers, other objects, or sex toys to penetrate the anus.
There are certain products designed for prostate massage that might make the experience easier and more pleasurable.
Depending on your preferences, you might want to try it out in the bathtub or the shower, or wear gloves. Water-based anal lubricant is highly recommended.
The Secrets of Prostate Massage is an extremely thorough guide that will teach you everything you need to know about performing internal (and external) prostate massage – the right way.
You'll also learn about the full medical and sexual benefits of prostate message as well as how to convince and guide your partner to join in on the fun.
Adding internal prostate massage into your regular sexual routine will revolutionize the way you and your partner think and feel about sex!
While both of you are experiencing the most powerful orgasms of your lives, you'll also be benefiting from increased prostate health and lowered risk of developing certain conditions like prostatitis, urinary blockages, and BPH (benign prostatic hyperplasia).
Understandably, you might be a little bit wary of trying this 'adventurous' new technique, but I guarantee that if you open your mind, you'll be very pleased with the results!
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