How to Increase Semen Volume!
by Bader
(Riyadh, Saudi Arabia)
Hi Mark,
First of all I would like to thank you for making all of this information available to us, I love this site.
I have a goal which is to be a better man when I'm 40 years old than I am now (26 years old).
My question is:
Is there any way to increase the volume of semen you ejaculate using natural herbs and or food?
I surely miss the amounts I had when I was a teenager.
Also, when I went to have a prostate test, the lab guy saw the amount of semen in the sample jar and said, That's it?
I hope you can help me out.
Thanks and best regards

Hello Bader!
Yes, you can increase your ejaculation volume. As a matter of fact, once you start cycling Testosterone Boosters, it begins to happen automatically.
My experience has shown that the following herbs affect sperm production the most...
Tongkat Ali
Horny goat Weed
Catuaba Bark
Also, if you're deficient in zinc, which quite a few men are, you'll see a substantial increase in ejaculation volume once you start supplementing.
You also want to prevent your testicles from overheating.
Your boys are located outside your body for a very good reason…so they can drop, and cool down when the temperature begins to rise.
Men in Eastern Russia used to soak their testicles in hot water as a form of birth control.
When the testicles get too warm, sperm production shuts down, so this technique is actually quite effective, although not foolproof.
So make it a point to wear loose fitting boxer shorts, avoid jacuzzis and saunas, and excessively long hot showers.
Limit masturbation time to create longer gaps between orgasms, which will keep your ejaculate stores full.
On a related note, one recent study found that prolonged intense sexual stimulation (think a 60 minute internet porn session) caused a dramatic spike in the stress hormone cortisol.
And elevated cortisol levels are associated with low testosterone levels AND reduced sperm counts.
So instead of masturbating, Edge or Jelq for 15 minutes several times a week, but do not allow yourself to orgasm.
Save those orgasms up for sex with a real woman, that you court, chase, and ultimately capture. And yes, all this CAN be done within the bounds of a long term relationship.
Do this, and your ejaculate stores will quickly refill in preparation for your next sexual encounter.
Get a grip on out of control estrogen, as elevated estrogen is the leading cause of testicular atrophy in humans.
And atrophied testicles are ALWAYS going to underachieve in the ejaculate department, because semen storage is what makes your testicles big, heavy and full.
In other words, you can't have testicular atrophy and loads of ejaculation volume at the same time.
Also, eat a clean whole foods diet, and include plenty of the following…
- Oysters
- Pumpkin seeds
- Salmon
- Celery
- Walnuts
- Eggs
- Brazil nuts
Finally… You may be thinking to yourself, this sounds an awful lot like your natural testosterone boosting protocols.
And my answer to you is, you are 100 percent correct!
The key to maximizing ejaculation output is to maximize the production of testosterone inside your system..
Why...Because one of the primary functions of testosterone is to ensure that you get out there and spread your seed, breed with women and reproduce.
So when testosteorne levels are flying high, and you pursure that woman we talked about earlier, your body responds with the semen production needed to make that happen.
This is the key to it all Bader...Fuel your body with those male hormones, and you'll produce all the semen you could ever want or need.
Good luck!
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