Androgen Supplement Side Effects!
by Ryan

Androgen Supplement Side Effects!Hello Mark,Long time follower of your site (can't wait for the redesign!)
OK, so here is my concern. I have a fear of any drug or supplement that will in some way alter me mentally or in any other way.
Some of the
testosterone herbs you mention on the site scare me.
My fear is that once I take them, certain things might happen such as: my heart rate will increase, I will become flushed, trouble breathing, pass out... to more serious things like, well, a heart attack.
Now, I know my fears are somewhat irrational. Of all the herbs you mention on the site the one I have taken is Maca Root, both pill and powder form.
At first I took a lower then suggested dose just to be safe.
As a loyal follower I want to believe what you say about each herb and so far you don't point out anything dangerous.
In fact your
cycling technique teaches us NOT to over do these herbs (I like that).
My question is this: Should I be fearful of any herbs you mention here? Is there any danger of my fears coming true?
I did feel good with the Maca and noticed subtle changes in my mood (all positive). I would like to move on to the herbs you "highly" recommend, but of course I have concerns.
I am finally starting to realize that life is so much better with higher
testosterone levels and I really feel like I am improving myself with other lifestyle changes (like working out, better diet, etc).
I feel it is time to inject some more FUEL into my body that will get me there faster!
Thanks Mark, I appreciate all that you do here.
Androgen Supplement Side Effects! Hello Ryan,
Good questions!
I'm like you in a lot of ways...
I don't enjoy a rapid heart rate, or any kind of edgy, buzzy feeling at all.
Caffeine type side effects, are always counter productive, in my opinion.
Sure, in the beginning, you may feel a burst of energy, but the crash is always right around the corner.
And when the crash hits, mood, energy, attitude, and productivity all take a hit.
The key is, to take just enough of each supplement in order to get the testosterone surge you're looking for, and no more.
When I take a new
testosterone booster, I typically take half the recommended dose, evaluate, and adjust from there.
If I need more of a kick, I double the dose when I reload the supplement, after a seven day break.
It takes a bit of trial and error, but after a couple weeks of cycling your supplements, you should have it down.
Once you've found the sweet spot, negative side effects become a non issue.
Thanks for your question!
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