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Marijuana Effects! Weed Ecstasy & Testosterone Levels in Men!

by Billy Raymos
(San Diego, CA)

Hi, I'm an 18 year old regular kid that has had some issues with my testosterone levels.

About a year ago I saw a chiropractor and he tested me and noticed I had very low testosterone.

I was very confused at that point, why would a teenage kid have low T.

So here's my question ..can drugs lower your testosterone levels?

Any drugs ..for instance ecstasy or marijuana?


Marijuana Effects!
Weed Ecstasy & Testosterone Levels in Men!

Hi Billy,

You can read my take on marijuana, here.

Ecstasy acts much differently that weed, at least in male rats.

In a study out of the University of Texas at Austin, male rats were given MDMA (ecstasy) for 20 days, then were euthanized 7 days following the last dose.

What the researchers found was hypothalamic and gonadal levels were significantly altered in the test animals.

Serum testosterone levels were substantially suppressed as well when compared to the controls, who were given a simple saline solution.

So, one ball, and one strike for your drugs of choice.

Does that you mean you should drop the ecstasy and smoke weed with impunity?

I don't think so...

It gets down to much more than the simple biochemical reactions of your recreational drugs.

When I was in high school, the guys who were heavy into drugs drank a lot booze.

They smoked cigarettes, didn't exercise much, were pale, pimply and unhealthy looking.

They didn't do to well with the women either.

And food?

Lets just say the 4 major food groups consisted of Taco Bell, McDonald's, Burger King, and the local 711, when cash was tight.

Let me sum it up this way...

If you're spending all your time indoors, playing video games, eating crappy food, and partying like there's no tomorrow, that's your problem.

You wrote to me asking for help, so I'm going to assume you're serious about turning your situation around.

All the following advice goes off the assumption that you're healthy, and not suffering any form of disease or sickness.

Check with a medical professional before acting on any of the following advice.


You're much too young to go on natural testosterone boosters.

At your age, you simply don't need them.

Your body is primed to produce testosterone in overtime right now, all you need to do is get out of the way and let it happen.

Here's how...

Switch to a Testosterone Boosting Diet

Begin Doing Testosterone Boosting Exercises

Reduce Your Circulating Male Estrogen Levels

Good luck!

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