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How to Get Off Androgel Without Suffering

by ken
(Mckeesport, PA)

How to Get Off Androgel Without Suffering

Hi Mark,

I've been on Androgel for about a year and half....but my health care prescription plan recently changed and the coverage for Androgel tripled.

Not being one to waste money...I am opting for this T-Boosting plan.

I plan on taking the recommended doses because of my health issues.

I have lost about 5 pounds this week and I'm thinking it's muscle weight...is this true??

I would hate to loose all that I've built up in the past year or so... a lot of time in the gym going to waste!!!

How to Get Off Androgel Without Suffering

Hello Ken,

When you started using Androgel to get your testosterone, you put your testicles on the shelf...

In essence, you stopped using them for their intended purpose, and relied on the Androgel to get the job done instead.

And just like a muscle that's been placed in a cast, they've atrophied, wasted away, and shrunk in size due to lack of use.

This is where you stand at the moment!

I'm going to be brutally honest with you, because that's exactly what you need right now....

You're going to have a more difficult road than most who come here....the non Androgel users, who simply cycle the supplements, clean up the diet, change up the exercise a bit and achieve the dream fairly easily.

You're going to have to hit it extra hard, really go after it, if you want this plan to work for you.

I'm not saying all of this to discourage you, I'm just telling you the cold hard truth.

Will it be impossible?

Nope, not even close!

Hundreds of former users have followed this system and made it back to the top, and if they can do it, you most certainly can too.

Follow the link below to get started...

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